Education Training Workshops

  1. The following workshops are offered by Charge Expo.
  2. The cost to attend a workshop is $100.

For more information, contact

EV Training for Technicians

Technicians and Electrification Safety Standards
Professor John Frala, Coordinator Alternative Fuels/Faculty, Rio Hondo College

High Mileage TNCs And TNC Drivers On Urban/Airport Dynamics

Joshua Sperling, Urban Futures And Energy-X Nexus Engineer, NREL
Karen Glitman, Director of Transportation and Infastructure Markets, CSE
Alison Felix, Senior Transportation Planner, MAPC

Deploying Cleaner Vehicles Through Public-Private Partnerships

Deploying Cleaner Vehicles Through Public-Private Partnerships
Trina Martynowicz, EV Coordinator, U.S. EPA